stand up for your-health (at work)

Last summer, I read an article from Runner’s World entitled “sitting is the new smoking.

When the article was published, I was working primarily as a massage therapist, a job that you do not perform while seated. I was also working as a soccer coach, once again a standing & moving profession. This is one reason why I did not share this with my readers then. Another reason is the fact that I have decided to try it out when I write. Sometimes I sit, others I stand, but I never sit for too long at a time. I am learning that blood flow, movement, and activity can change the way I think, work, and feel.

Earlier this week, CBS New York ran this story: Sitting At Work For Hours Can Be As Unhealthy As Smoking « CBS New York. The video says it all but the write-up (which is basically the script) may be easier for those of you (probably sitting) at work now.

After doing a little more searching, a friend of mine posted this article from the Washington Post on Facebook today.

So I decided it was time to pass it onto to you. I even wrote this particular post while standing. So try it out – sit less, move more. I know that it will make a difference, feel free to share how things improved for you.